SOT Literature
“Teaching and writing is like laying your soul bare before the board of the judgment society that determines your fate after you are gone. We welcome research. In reality, those doing research on our research are reaping the benefits of our research.We most often suffer the tears of failure. A technique must live by criticism and when such is well meant and constructive, it is useful. Often in the past it was totally destructive by intent. All mankind resists improvement.”
—DeJarnette, MB. Sacro Occipital Technic Bulletin 1925 to 1985. Apr 1985
Arthur Schopenhauer, a 19th Century German philosopher, noted that “every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second, it is violently opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.”
SOTO-USA is dedicated to bringing you the most updated and comprehensive research relating to Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). Research is the future of chiropractic and SOT. Publishing this research sets the foundation for the future of SOT and protects its future worldwide.

Articles Relating to the History of Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)
SOT Bulletins by Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette
SOT Articles Written by Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette
SOT Video Demonstrations by Dr.DeJarnette
For the SOT Related Publications of Dr. DeJarnette – click here
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Sacro Occipital Technic Block Therapy: Origin and Development
Heese N | Chiropr Hist 2013 Win;32(2):50-58 Chiropractic therapeutic concepts in the early decades of the 20th century were often a result of original thinking by the developer coupled with chance circumstances followed up with clinical research. Around 1920,...
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions
Gatterman MI, Cooperstein R, Lantz C, Perle SM, Schneider MJ | J Manipulative Physiol Ther2001 Sep;24(7):449-56 OBJECTIVE: To rate specific chiropractic technique procedures used in the treatment of common low back conditions. DESIGN AND METHODS: A panel of...
A Survey of State Scope of Practice Laws for Chiropractic – Cranial Therapy and TMJ – 2003
Blum CL Proceedings on the 2006 Conference on Chiropractic ResearchProceedings on the 2006 Conference on Chiropractic ResearchChicago, Illinois,September 15-16, 2006: 164-6.
Stem cells in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Silani V, Fogh I, Ratti A, Sassone J, Ciammola A, Cova L AmyotrophLateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord2002 Dec;3(4):173-81 Department of Neurology, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Dino Ferrari Center,University of Milan Medical School, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico...
The Effect of Cranial Adjusting on Hypertension: A Case Report [Letter; Comment]
Bonci AS, Verni LJ Chiropractic Technique 1998 Nov; 10(4): 179-80 This letter to the editor by Bonci and Verni was responding to an article [Connelly DM, Rasmussen SA The effect of cranial adjusting on hypertension: A case report Chiropr Technique 1998;10(2):75-8]...
Chronic Otitis Media: A Case Report
Hobbs D, Rasmussen S | Journal of ChiropracticFeb 1991; 28(2): 67-68 A case study of a 38-year-old female with chronic otitis media and loss is presented. The symptoms subsided and hearing was restored through chiropractic care with an emphasis on cranial...
Going Above Atlas: A New Model of Dis-ease
Blye JS | Washington State Chiropractic Association Winter Conference | Feb 2004. [Washington State Chiropractic Association, Plexus, Dec 2003.] For over one hundred years, chiropractors have been doing amazing things to improve the health of people. And we have...
Resolution of gallbladder visceral or mimicry pain, subsequent to surgical intervention
Blum CL | International Research and Philosphy Symposium Sherman College of Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC | Oct 9-19, 2004: 10-11 Introduction: Patient presented two weeks post surgery with severe pain, which was described as a “very extreme, constant pain that...
Chiropractic in the Cranial Field, In Chaitow L, Cranial Manipulation Theory and Practice
Pederick FO | Osseous and Soft Tissue Approaches, 2nd Edition” Elsevier: Edinburgh | 2005: 111-38 The writer briefly reviews the work of chiropractors to this field. The work of DeJarnette, Goodheart and Kotheimer are reviewed and assessed, with main emphasis on SOT...
The Evolution of Bloodless Surgery and Chiropractic
Blum CL | The American Chiropractor | Apr 2005;27(4):24-5 Bloodless surgery or chiropractic manipulative reflex technique (CMRT) encompasses the relationship between somatovisceral and viscerosomatic reflexes and therefore between the somatic and autonomic nervous...
The Effects of the Sacro- Occipital Technique on the Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment, Proceedings of the Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine into Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Medicine
Holbeck M, Tomson A, Blum CL, Monk R | John Hopkins University: Baltimore, MD | June 8-10, 2005 Introduction: Gastrointestinal (GI) secondary effects from chemotherapy are a common occurrence for patients receiving oncological care. 1, 2 This study notes clinical...
Non-synaptic messaging: Piezoelectricity, Bioelectric Fields, Neuromelanin and Dentocranial Implications, Proceedings of the 2005 International Research and Philosophy Symposium
Blum CL | Sherman College of Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC | Oct 22-23, 2005: 32-5 INTRODUCTION: Most nervous system communication occures at synaptic junctions, however a relatively new branch of neurophysiology has recently been investigating a nontraditional...
- Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT)
- SOTO-USA’s Dental Chiropractic Position Statement 2004
- Chiropractic Technique Summary: Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) – ChiroACCESS Article – 2011
- Chiropractic Scope of Practice: Update 2003
- The Relationship Between the Spine, Cranium and TMJ
- Nasal Cranial Release Technique (NCRT) / Cranial Facial Release (CFR)
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and SOT
- Review this page for information about writing a case report
- Case Report “Fill-in the Blanks” Checklist
- Case Report Patient Consent Form
- Case reports: an important contribution to chiropractic literature
- Submit a Case Report to the Annual SOT Research Conference
- Become Certified by the NIH Office of Extramural Research in How to Protect Human Research Subjects
- SOT Research Conference Abstracts
- ACC Research Conference Abstracts
- COCA Research Conference Abstracts
- ECU Research Conference Abstracts
- IRAPS Research Conference Abstracts
- Interdisciplinary Research Conferences’ Abstracts
- WFC Biennial Research Conference Abstracts
- World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain Research Conference Abstracts
- 9th Annual SOT Research Conference Presentations – Videos
- 8th Annual SOT Research Conference Presentations – Videos
- 7th Annual SOT Research Conference Presentations – Videos
- 6th Annual SOT Research Conference Presentations – Videos
- 4th Annual SOT Research Conference Presentations – Videos
- Steven Olmos, DDS is Interviewed About Dental Chiropractic Co-Treatment
- Meet Dr. DeJarnette – Cranial Examination and Treatment
Torticollis In Infants And Children: A Report Of Three Cases
Aker PS, Cassidy JD. J Can Chiropr Assoc 1990 Mar;34(1):13-19 ABSTRACT: Three cases of torticollis are recorded, one of a child with muscular torticollis and two of infants with acquired torticollis caused by neurogenic tumors. All were treated by chiropractors...
Case Study: The Effect of Utilizing Spinal Manipulation and Craniosacral Therapy as the Treatment Approach for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
PHILLIPS, C. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHIROPRACIC 1991 NOV 57-74 ABSTRACT: Conclusion: Due to the subjective nature of this disorder, evaluations and treatment results have considerable limitations and cannot be generalized to the entire...
Advanced Chiropractic Training in Care and Management of the Pediatric Patient
BOYD, B.; MATHEWS, S.; PERRON, M.; PHILLIPS, C.; WAGENIUS, C. JOURNAL OF CHIROPRACTIC EDUCATION 1992 6(1) 19-22 ABSTRACT: The chiropractic profession has recently demonstrated a growing to the care and management of the pediatric patient in postgraduate courses and...