
We award professional certification toward becoming qualified SOT and Cranial Practitioners.

Certification is achieved by presenting for examination your knowledge and skill by both written and practical means. This process begins making application with fee and submitting your professional credentials. We request you submit a description of the training and courses you have taken that prepares you for the certification process.

Examinations are held at the annual Clinical Symposium and the application process must be completed at least 120 days prior to the examination date, which is held at 1:00pm the day before the symposium.

To register please contact the main SOTO-USA office in North Carolina sotousa@skybest.com | 336-793-6524, sending copies of your diploma and state license along with the $250 exam fee. For students, the fee is $50.

To receive information about how to prepare for the examination please email Dr. Blum at drcblum@aol.com,  Dr. Klingensmith sotousa@skybest.com, or Dr Scoppa at classavallc@gmail.com for the pdf brochure.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Get Certified?
This process involves the detailed study of the anatomy, physiology, and practical aspects of treating all three categories, as well as all sorts of cranial-related issues. As you master the treatment of many different patterns, your referral base will grow and you will be seen as an expert in your community.


Certification validates your many years of practice and study and allows you to market your practice in a whole new way. You will be included in our database of Certified SOT and SOT Cranial Practitioners, and will therefore be eligible for many more patient referrals and professional contacts worldwide.

How Do You Do It?
1. Maintain your SOTO-USA membership and your state licensure (students: proof of chiropractic college matriculation).


2. Complete all necessary course work: • CSP (Certified SOT Practitioner): SOT Levels One and Two (the three categories–analysis and treatment), SOT Level One Extremity Technique, and SOT Level One Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT). Reference texts are the SOTO-USA’s 2006 SOT Manual (Monk), SOT Extremity Manual (Monk), and CMRT Manual (Blum), as well as the 1984 DeJarnette SOT Text. • CSCP (Certified SOT Cranial Practitioner): Cranial Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4, or their equivalents. (This comprises an overview of cranial anatomy and physiology, cranial and sphenobasilar ranges of motion, current TMD theory and dental co-treatment, and all DeJarnette techniques for the correction of cranial lesions.) Certification in SOT (CSP) is a prerequisite. Reference texts are SOTO-USA’s 2006 SOT Manual, SOT Extremity CMRT Manual. The basis for the examination will be SOTO-USA Cranial Levels One, Two, Three, and Cranial Intraoral manuals.

3. The doctor fee for each exam is $250, payable to SOTO-USA at the time you submit your documentation of completed courses, copies of your chiropractic college diploma and state license. (To pay fee for exam, see below.)

4. The student fee for the CSP written exam is $75, payable to SOTO-USA at the time you submit your documentation of completed courses and proof of your chiropractic college attendance. Passing of this written examination will give the student a CSP proficiency rating and upon graduation the recent graduate can take the practical examination and pay the remaining $175 to receive full CSP certification status (To pay fee for exams, see below.) • CSSPR (Certified SOT Student Proficiency Rating): Four specific classes are needed: (1-2) SOT Levels One and Two (the three categories–analysis and treatment), (3) SOT Level One Extremity Technique, and (4) SOT Level One Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT). Reference texts are the SOTO-USA’s 2006 SOT Manual (Monk), SOT Extremity Manual (Monk), and CMRT Manual (Blum), as well as the 1984 DeJarnette SOT Text.


How Do I Maintain My Certification Status?
1. Maintain your SOTO-USA membership and your state licensure.


2. Attend, at a minimum, one SOTO-USA Clinical Symposium within three consecutive years.


Need More Information?
For further information on the SOTO-USA Certification process or to register for the required regional seminars you may call 781-237-6673 or at, or contact certification chair Dr. Christine Benner at
Scroll down to pay examination registration fee.
Who is eligible to take SOTO-USA's courses? (Online)

Our courses are open to any healthcare practitioner who is legally able to diagnose, including chiropractors, DO’s, MD’s, dentists, orthodontists, etc. Chiropractic students are also eligible and encouraged to attend. However, certification is limited to chiropractors only. 

Can I take the cranial courses without taking the other courses?

Yes, but we recommend one takes all the CSP courses BEFORE attending any of the cranial courses, regardless of whether one gets certified or not. Generally you will get more out of the cranial courses having taken the CSP courses first.

How does one become a Certified SOT Practitioner (CSP)?

There are two paths to becoming a CSP. 
1. Path 1 is to take all four live courses, held over four separate weekends. Once one has taken all four courses and studied the manuals, one is eligible to sit for the CSP examination held yearly at the spring symposium. 
2. Path 2 is to take most of the course work online in a self-paced program, and then attend only 1 live review course (designed for those who have taken the online course). Once one has taken all four courses and studied the manuals, one is eligible to sit for the CSP examination held yearly at the spring symposium. 


If You Plan On Paying Registration Fee Online 

Step One:
Use the Pay Pal link below to send the appropriate registration fee to SOTO-USA. Please note that your examination registration will not be approved with SOTO-USA until notice of payment from Pay Pal is sent to our main office. Payment with Pay Pal will include a transaction fee (called a “shipping charge”). 

Step Two:
Make sure your membership is up to date and contact Dr. Christine Benner at doctorbenner@gmail.com to let her know you are registering for the SOT or Cranial Examination.

If you prefer to save on PayPal fees as well as receive a direct confirmation, please call the SOTO-USA main office at 336-793-6524.

Choose the Appropriate Price

What Seminars are Available at This Time?

Please visit our Events page for a complete list of SOT seminars and events. To Design Your Own SOT Seminar - Click Here to Learn How

Where Can I Purchase the Required Texts?

Required texts can be purchased at the SOTO-USA Bookstore and by calling (336) 793-6524

Teaching: Requirements and Benefits

The requirements for teaching are: (1) You have to be a chiropractic member in good standing, (2) certified in SOT/ SOT Cranial depending on what you want to teach, and (3) have table instructed alongside a certified instructor for at least 3 seminars before you are cleared to lead instruct.

The benefits are many, mostly there is no way to learn as much as you do when you teach. There is the magic of how it feels to share information to those wanting to learn. Teaching creates notoriety in the profession that you are a good source to refer patients as well as exhibits your skills and knowledge. When you are lead instructing there can be financial remuneration for your efforts and you become a member of a very select and elite group of both chiropractic and sacro occipital technique doctors.