Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Articles
Effects of creatine supplementation on exercise performance andmuscular strength in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:preliminary results
Mazzini L, Balzarini C, Colombo R, Mora G, Pastore I, De Ambrogio R, Caligari M J Neurol Sci 2001 Oct 15;191(1-2):139-44 Department of Neurology, San Giovanni Bosco Hospital, Largo Donatore di sangue3, 10154, Torino, Italy. Creatine supplementation in humans has...
Prognostic value of decremental responses to repetitive nerve stimulation in ALS patients
Wang FC, De Pasqua V, Gerard P, Delwaide PJ Neurology. 2001 Sep 11;57(5):897-9 University Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hopital duSart Tilman, Belgium. Decrement of the thenar compound muscle action potentials (CMAP), after repetitive nerve...
Therapeutic efficacy of EGb761 (Gingko biloba extract) in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophiclateral sclerosis
Ferrante RJ, Klein AM, Dedeoglu A, Beal MF J Mol Neurosci 2001 Aug;17(1):89-96 Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Bedford VA Medical Center,MA 01730, USA. EGb761 is a standardized extract of green Gingko biloba, which exerts protectiveeffects...
Marijuana in the management of amyotrophiclateral sclerosis
Carter GT, Rosen BS Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2001 Jul-Aug;18(4):264-70 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), Neuromuscular Disease Clinic, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine,Seattle, Washington, USA. Marijuana has been...
Spiritual well-being of the individual with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Dal Bello-Haas V, Andrews-Hinders D, Bocian J, Mascha E, Wheeler T, Mitsumoto H Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord 2000 Dec;1(5):337-41 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,Ohio 44195, USA....
Impact of spirituality and religiousness on outcomes in patients with ALS
Murphy PL, Albert SM, Weber CM, Del Bene ML, Rowland LP Neurology 2000 Nov 28;55(10):1581-4 Biopsychology Subprogram, Hunter College, the Graduate School and University Center of the City of New York, NY, USA. The Project of Death in America Study at...
Chiropractic Management of a Case of Combined Osteoarthrosis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Green BN Journal of Sports Chiropractic and Rehabilitation 2000 Sep; 14(3): 75-83 ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe and discusses the management of a patient presenting with osteoarthrosis and concomitant psoriatic arthritis using chiropractic...
Quality of life in ALS depends on factors other than strength and physical function
Simmons Z, Bremer BA, Robbins RA, Walsh SM, Fischer S Neurology 2000 Aug 8;55(3):388-92 Division of Neurology, Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, Hershey 17033,USA. OBJECTIVES: To study patients with ALS to determine the following: 1) the relationship...
Integrating manual and movement therapy with philosophical counseling for treatment of a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a case study that explores the principles of holistic intervention Alternative
Cottingham, J ;Maitland, J Therapies In Health And Medicine 2000 Mar ;6(2):128, 120-7 ABSTRACT: A patient (Travis) suffering from ALS received a holistic principle-basedprotocol that combined manual-movement techniques with philosophical counseling. After 4...
A comparison of osteopathic spinal manipulation with standard care for patients with lowback pain
Anderson GB, Lucente T, Davis AM, Kappler RE, Lipton JA, Leurgans S N Engl J Med 1999 Nov 4;341(19):1426-31 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The effect of osteopathic manual therapy (i.e., spinal manipulation) inpatients with chronic and subchronic back pain is largely...