by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2010
Wallace DP, Tomich JM, Eppler JW, Iwamoto T, Grantham JJ, Sullivan LP Biochim Biophys Acta 2000 00, 1464: 1, 69-82 Abstract: A synthetic Cl(-) channel-forming peptide, C-K4-M2GlyR, applied to the apical membrane of human epithelial cell monolayers induces...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2010
BAR-OR O, KRIEMLER S, SCHURER W, WILK B, WILSON WM MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE1999 JUN;31(6):774-9 ABSTRACT: Purpose: In healthy children who exercise in the heat, the addition of flavor, carbohydrate, and 18 mmol*L NaCl to water induced a major...