Complementary Therapies In Nursing & Midwifery 2001 Feb; 7(1): 13-8
ABSTRACT: This article outlines the origins and theory of the Alexander Technique and how it is learned. Recent research is listed and a description given of main presenting symptoms and medical problems of pupils coming for lessons. The paper also describes how the Alexander Technique is used by women in pregnancy and childbirth and explains why it is beneficial. The final section describes Parkinson’s research results, mainly from apreliminary study designed some years ago to test a methodology for arandomized controlled trial. Ramig, LO.; Treatment of Speech and Voice Problems Associated With Parkinson’s Disease Topics In Geriatric Rehabilitation. 1998 Dec; 14(2): 28-43
ABSTRACT: Speech and voice problems occur in most individuals with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. While all aspects of speech production may be affected, disordered voice is one of the most common problems. Previous forms of treatment for the disorder of speech and voice in individuals with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease have had modest effectiveness. The LSVT, which addresses increased vocal effort and improved sensory perception of effort and is administered in 16 high-effort sessions in one month, has been documented in experimental studies to be a successful approach in the short and long-term. Although the degenerative course of Parkinson’s disease cannot be altered at this time, improved oral communication may be an important component in developing the highest levels of functioning and independence for each individual.