J Chiro Ed.| Spr 2011;25(1):117.
Background: A 7-year-old male with stuttering, poor social interactions, poor pronunciation, and a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder presented seeking a second opinion. The child had no physical trauma, no family history of stuttering, and no significant birth trauma, and had been undergoing speech therapy for a year.
Methods: Chiropractic craniopathy assessment was performed and revealed a cranial strain and loss of normal motion. Sacro occipital technique (SOT) chiropractic category II pelvic blocking for sacroiliac hypermobility syndrome and spinal adjustments were also performed. A specific cranial procedure described by De Jarnette as Area 3 Spread, was utilized with cerebrospinal fluid directed to Broca’s motor area of speech.
Results: The mother noted a 50 to 75% improvement of the stuttering symptoms after the first treatment. Then, following a motor vehicle accident, seven additional treatments were required to return the child to the pre-injury status with little to no stuttering or stammering. At 3 months post-treatment, the child continued 95%+ improved in coordination and development.
Conclusion: This case report demonstrates that plausibility that a cranial strain might have adversely affected this patient’s language skill and development. Greater research study is needed to determine if the findings in this one report can offer options for other children with similar types of presentation.