J Chirop Ed | 2009;21(1): 84
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine which, if any, techniques systems our graduates sought out instruction in and/or were utilizing either primarily or secondarily for patient care, in addition to Diversified technique.
Methods: We surveyed 200 randomly selected post 1980 graduates of our college practicing in five Canadian provinces.
Results: Eight-three eligible data sets were received. Respondents reported to have sought out instruction in a total of 187 technique systems other than Diversified technique. In addition, although 86% of respondents stated they primarily used Diversified technique in practice, they reportedly used 134 different technique systems secondarily for patient care. This calculates to an average of 2.27 different techniques used per respondent. The technique systems most commonly used in addition to Diversified technique by the respondents in this study were Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique, Active Release Therapy, Thompson Terminal Point, and Sacro-Occipital Technique.
Conclusion: These findings are consistent with previous data collected on this topic. Future studies should survey a larger percentage of practitioners to better assess the validity of these findings.. (This is an abstract from a conference presentation only and does not represent a full work that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication.)