Hochman J.|  J Chiro Ed.|  Spr 2011;25(1):110.


Introduction: This is a summary of the findings and possible anatomcial ahd physiological basis of successful chiropractic intervention on a patient with head pain of 7 years duration. The pain had been diagnosed as migraine and trigeminal neuralgia and been previously treated pharmaceutically and physically, including with chiropractic. All previous treatments were unable to alleviate pain.

Case Report: A 32-year-old male patient with a history of phsyical injury to both the coccyx area and the skull presented for care for chronic daily head pain of 7 years duration.

Intervention: The coccyx and sphenoid where manipulated using diversified and sacro occipital technique procedures.

Discussion: Possible reasons for success in treatment are offered, including mobilization of the sphenoid and coccyx, which may have affected the maxillary nerve. The propriospinal basis of the so-called Lovett brother arrangement is also discussed.

Conclusion: Some cases of unsuccessfully treated head pain may be helped with carnial and/or coccyx manipulation.

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