Khorshid K.A., Vallone S.A.,  International Review of Chiropractic  2001 Fal;  57(5/6): 52-56

ABSTRACT: Since its inception in 1956, Kentuckiana Children’s Center (KCC) has existed to provide chiropractic care for children in exceptional circumstances. Lorraine M. Golden, D.C., Kentuckiana’s founder, called them “special needs children.” In the early days of operation, the Center’s staff served children suffering from the ravages of polio, the myriad disabilities associated with cerebral palsy and epilepsy as well as children with a variety of genetic limitations including children with Downs Syndrome. This population of children has shifted over the years and today we find that the greater percentage of children who are being cared for at Kentuckiana are classified with disorders of the autistic spectrum.

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