Sullivan C  Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery  1997 Jun; 3(3): 72-6

Osteopathy is one of the most commonly known treatments for lower back pain. However, media coverage is increasingly recognizing the potential of osteopathic care for a wide range of conditions across all age groups. In this article the role of osteopathic care in the treatment of pregnant mothers, the newborn and infants is considered. The aim of this paper is to stimulate further investigation by health care professionals into the potential benefits of osteopathic care for a range of clients. I have avoided lengthy technical aspects, hoping rather to expand on the thinking behind the approach, and welcome correspondence on any aspect of this paper. Unfortunately, there is a lack of good research evidence to data to support many of the claims and assertions made by osteopathy. However, with recent accreditation of the first Osteopathic MSc, a significant accumulation of such data over the next decade is anticipated.

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