by SOTO USA | Mar 11, 2016 | November, 1999
Kondo E; Aoba TJAm J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1999 Nov;116(5):481-93 ABSTRACT: Abnormal cervical muscle function can cause abnormal head posture, adversely affecting the development and morphology of the cervical spine and maxillofacial skeleton, which in turn...
by SOTO USA | Mar 11, 2016 | November, 1999
Michelotti A; Manzo P; Farella M; Martina R Minerva Stomatol1999 Nov;48(11):525-34 ABSTRACT: The observation that the masticatory system and the postural body regulating system are anatomically and functionally related, has led to postulate several hypotheses of...