by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Cotellessa M, Minicucci L, Lorini R J Pediatr 2000 05, 136: 5, 706-7 Search for: Please Note We are sorry but we can offer no international Paypal orders. These must be made by Fax. Any inadvertent international Paypal orders placed will be refunded less $20...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Bar Or O J Pediatr 2000 03, 136: 3, 279-80 Search for: Please Note We are sorry but we can offer no international Paypal orders. These must be made by Fax. Any inadvertent international Paypal orders placed will be refunded less $20 transaction fee. P.O. Box...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Cafferata EG, Gonzalez Guerrico AM, Giordano L, Pivetta OH Biochim Biophys Acta 2000 00, 1500: 2, 241-8 Abstract: Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive genetic disease, produced by a mutation in the CFTR gene that impairs its function as a chloride channel. In...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Hunter I, Stewart L, Mukhopadhyay S Lancet 2000 00, 355: 9207, 900 Abstract: Extracellular potassium up-regulates exocrine pancreatic function in tissue preparations of mammalian pancreatic lobules. We report on a child with cystic fibrosis in whom clinical evidence...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Drapkin PT, ORiordan CR, Yi SM, Chiorini JA, Cardella J, Zabner J, Welsh MJ J Clin Invest 2000 03, 105: 5, 589-96 Abstract: Developing gene therapy for cystic fibrosis has been hindered by limited binding and endocytosis of vectors by human airway epithelia. Here we...
by SOTO USA | Feb 24, 2016 | January, 2000
Schneiderman Walker J, Pollock SL, Corey M, Wilkes DD, Canny GJ, Pedder L, Reisman JJ J Pediatr 2000 03, 136: 3, 304-10 Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of a 3-year home exercise program on pulmonary function and exercise tolerance in mildly to...