by SOTO USA | Feb 23, 2016 | Arthritis, July, 1989
Nelson W J Manipulative Physiol Therp 1989 Jul; 12(3): 240-1 Search for: Please Note We are sorry but we can offer no international Paypal orders. These must be made by Fax. Any inadvertent international Paypal orders placed will be refunded less $20 transaction fee....
by SOTO USA | Feb 23, 2016 | July, 1989
Newman CF, Downes NJ, Tseng RY, McProud LM, Newman LK J Am Diet Assoc 1989 Jul; 89(7):939-43 ABSTRACT: A questionnaire was designed and mailed to the entire membership (no. = 438) of the San Francisco Bay Area Chiropractic Society to determine their nutrition...