Charles Beck, DO, FAAO
Assessing the Dominant Eye
The concept of eye dominance relates to a doctor’s tendency to prefer visual input from one eye finding with that dominant eye subjects seem more accurate and images appear clearer, more stabilized. There has even been recent research suggesting that the dominant eye has perceptual processing priority.
Because often times this eye or ocular dominance is occurring with the doctor unconsciously it can affect how they perceive patient presentations and ultimately treatment application. Dr. Beck will share methods of how to determine eye dominance and how that can be used to assess and treat various types of patient presentations. An understanding of the dominant eye can affect the care that is rendered to patient’s whole body and cranial meningeal system.
Hour 1:
Presentation about eye dominance and how this affects one’s exam findings.
Hour 2:
Ways for the practitioner to correct any such misperceptions or misdiagnosis due to dominant eye bias.