AECC Project List 1997
Ashton-Johnson C, “Comparison between the chiropractic and medical approach in the conservative management of scoliosis”, AECC Project List 1997
Elderfield G, “Effects of visual stimulation on posture control mechanisms in man”, AECC Project List 1997
Pick R, “Pelvic autonomic dysfunction and its relationship to low back pain”, AECC Project List 1997
Sanders B, “Sacroiliac joint syndrome: A clinical audit to diagnostic procedures at the AECC and a private chiropractic clinic”, AECC Project List 1997
Schotte M, “conservative treatment and outcome of lower lumbar disc herniation at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic”, AECC Project List 1997
Schweigert C, “The viscero-somatic reflex: A critical review of the literature”, AECC Project List 1997
Sheasby A, “Effect of gastric irritation on thoracic-lumbar rotation”, AECC Project List 1997
Young JM, “Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Theories on Aetiology and Chiropractic Management”, AECC Project List 1997