Robert Jo, D.C.

Abstract: Objective: A retrospective case series on the chiropractic treatment of 5 male golfers with increased golf scores as well as low back stiffness is reviewed.

Clinical Features: 5 male golfers who reported they had increased golf scores and decreased control of their strokes were selected. All 5 subjects selected had a right short leg for better comparison.

Intervention and Outcome: On initial examination, all subjects showed at least 1 sided inhibition of the quadratus lumborum, piriformis, gluteus medius, and soleus muscles using AK MMT. After 2 treatments in 1 week, all 5 patients played 1 round of golf with less stiffness in the lumbar spine but the golf stroke did not return to their average scores. On 3 rd examination all 5 subjects showed a dropped navicular bone on the left and a positive shock absorber test. Therapy localization to the left TMJ with mouth in the open position caused indicator muscle weakness. Eye into distortion to the left also caused indicator muscle weakness. 5 treatments within 2 weeks for the navicular subluxation with arch support, left lateral pterygoid strain-counterstrain treatment, percussion to the left TMJ, and left sphenobasilar inspiration assist cranial fault correction were performed. After this treatment protocol, 4 of 5 subjects made improvements in their golf scores with 2 subjects decreasing their score even below their initial average scores.

Conclusion: The hypothesis that symptoms in one area of the body may be related to other areas is demonstrated in this report. The eyes into distortion testing method in AK may be caused by adaptation of the oculomotor muscles to distortions elsewhere in the body. In these cases of pain and impaired athletic performance, the dropped navicular bone in the foot may influence the muscles of mastication, causing the stomatognathic system to be one of the causes for the eye malfunction. Larger clinical trials and use of comparison groups to compare the natural history of this condition with this therapeutic management strategy are called for. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:9-10)

Key Indexing Terms: Golf; Athletic Injuries; Sports Medicine; Motor Skills; Treatment; Case Reports; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Datis Kharrazian, D.C., M.S., F.A.A.C.P., D.A.C.B.N., D.I.B.A.K., C.N.S., C.S.C.S., C.C.C.P.

Abstract: Objective: To review the neurophysiological interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune systems and to show methods that employ natural medicine to support the problems found within these systems.

Clinical Features: An exhaustive review of 109 references from the scientific literature covering the subject of the neuroendocrine response to stress and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis interaction with this system are given. A review of several key nutritional modulation methods for the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis is presented.

Intervention and Outcome: A neurological model demonstrating how AK methods of diagnosis can be employed to evaluate the functional status of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis is provided. This neurological model demonstrates that the nervous system is a complex integrative system and so it does not make sense to have “adrenal techniques” since any treatment that changes adrenal function may impact the entire hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The argument is made that performing simple origin and insertion technique may have a far greater influence on adrenal function than taking adrenal supplements or stimulating an adrenal neurolymphatic reflex.

Conclusion: The importance of understanding physiological interactions across the neuroendocrine system is important for management of chronic stress syndromes. A comprehensive examination method should be employed to assess the multiple pools of neuronal integration that occur after any method of treatment used in AK. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:11-27)

Key Indexing Terms: Neurosecretory Systems; General Adaptation Syndrome; Immune System; Hypothalamus; Adrenal Glands; Pituitary Gland; Biochemical Phenomena, Metabolism, and Nutrition; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Robert A. Ozello, D.C., D.I.B.A.K.

Abstract: Objective: To present the case of a female with general muscle aches and fatigue effectively treated for aerobic muscle weakness.

Clinical Features: A 43-year-old female presented with general muscle aches and fatigue that had been present for several months.

Intervention and Outcome: AK examination revealed an aerobic muscle weakness. During AK MMT, muscles may fail to function when required to do so after sustained use. One method of checking for this in AK is called aerobic/anaerobic muscle testing. This involves testing a muscle repeatedly. If the muscle weakens, the problem is present. The aerobic muscles are the endurance muscles of the body, and the repeat testing of this type of muscle is done slowly. During examination this patient had multiple muscle imbalances that were treated with AK techniques. Despite the structural corrections, the aerobic muscle testing weakness persisted. She was tested against Linum B6 from Standard Process Labs and this negated her aerobic muscle weakness. The author remarks that he often finds that essential fatty acids negate the aerobic muscle weakness problem, while iron does not. The patient responded slowly, and eventually required dietary changes that included liberal amounts of butter and coconut butter. She then responded rapidly and within 3 weeks no longer had an aerobic muscle weakness.

Conclusion: A connection between saturated fats and aerobic muscle weakness producing muscle ache and fatigue was found and successfully treated in this patient.

(Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:29-30)

Key Indexing Terms: Dietary Fats; deficiency; Muscle Weakness; Muscle Fatigue; Diagnosis; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Robert A. Ozello, D.C., D.I.B.A.K.

Abstract: Objective: To present a case history of sciatica and excessive nutritional supplementation.

Clinical Features: A 44-year-old male presented with low back pain, right buttock pain and severe right posterior leg pain. This patient had been seen previously for right upper quadrant pain, and his problem was found to be associated with over consumption of vitamin A, B, C and E. Oral nutrient testing was employed and showed that when the supplement was placed in the patient’s mouth, a strong muscle would weaken and the abdominal tenderness increased markedly. After correcting multiple muscle problems and spinal subluxations, as well as removing the excess supplements from the patient’s diet, he quickly responded.

Intervention and Outcome: At this time for the sciatica problem an orthopedic surgeon was considering surgery for his herniated disc. The patient had been on a course of cortisone from which he had a bad reaction. AK examination revealed a category I pelvic fault, a right temporal bulge, and a right piriformis muscle imbalance. He improved dramatically on his next visit, but the category I pelvic fault returned. His abdomen was also tender to the touch as it had been during his previous episode of right upper quadrant pain. The patient said he was taking those previously   eliminated supplements once again. The category I pelvic fault was corrected again, and he was told to stop taking the supplements. The category I fault did not return on his next visit and he quickly recovered with no return of symptoms.

Conclusion: Excessive nutritional supplementation in this patient produced two different pain and symptom patterns. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:31-32)

Key Indexing Terms: Sciatica; Nutrition; Treatment; Case Reports; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Katharine Conable, D.C., John Zhang, M.D., PhD, Terry Hambrick, D.C.

Abstract: Objective: To compare neuromuscular screening for adverse reactions to foods with laboratory markers of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity.

Design: Masked comparison.

Setting: Chiropractic College.

Subjects: Volunteer sample of 30 chiropractic students and spouses with no history of severe allergic reactions to foods.

Methods: Fasting subjects gave blood samples and were tested for baseline state of 10 applied kinesiology (AK) neuromuscular indicators. Each food was placed in the subject’s mouth in a masked manner and all AK indicators were retested for change. The mouth was rinsed between trials. Foods tested were egg white, dry milk, corn, soy flour and whole-wheat flour.

Main Outcome Measures: IgE RAST and Lymphocyte Response Assay for 5 common foods and AK neuromuscular indicators for adverse reactions to those foods. A value exceeding either laboratory’s reference range was considered positive for hypersensitivity. AK was considered positive if any indicator changed from baseline to an abnormal state.

Results: There was no significant correlation between adverse reactions found on AK and those found on laboratory testing. Kappa: egg white .229, soybean -.098, cow’s milk -.222, wheat -.118, corn -.065.

Conclusion: AK oral food testing was not shown to identify the same hypersensitivities as the immediate hypersensitivities identified by IgE RAST or the delayed hypersensitivities identified by LRA. AK screening results should be further explored with other comparative methods before making a definitive determination about its application. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:35-44)

Key Indexing Terms: Food Hypersensitivity; Wheat Hypersensitivity; Milk Hypersensitivity; Milk Hypersensitivity; Biochemical Phenomena, Metabolism, and Nutrition; Diagnosis; Statistics, Nonparametric; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Restless Legs Syndrome: A Case Series Report
Scott Cuthbert, D.C.

Abstract: Objective: To present a case series report on the successful treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

Clinical Features: 5-15% of the population has been reported to suffer from RLS. A retrospective analysis of 28 patients is reviewed who presented with numerous complaints and symptoms that also had RLS as part of their clinical picture. The nature of RLS is described, hypothetical causes of the condition reviewed from the literature, and medical treatment for the condition is presented. The nutritional value of riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6 are described, and their relevance to RLS proposed.

Intervention and Outcome: Standard AK methods of diagnosis and treatment were employed in all cases. Common to all the cases of RLS successfully treated (n = 23) in this patient cohort was the positive AK oral nutrient testing for a portion of the vitamin B complex (riboflavin, niacin, and B6). With supplementation of these factors, the patients’ RLS resolved completely or were noticeably improved. 5 patients who were treated using this protocol did not improve their RLS with this treatment.

Conclusion: Further investigation of these methods of treatment and larger patient cohorts in controlled clinical trials would be of value with concurrent biochemical, EMG, and observational sleep monitoring of the patients treated. RLS is a cause of severe insomnia with costs to both the individual and to society at large. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:45-54)

Key Indexing Terms: Restless Legs Syndrome; Nocturnal Myoclonus Syndrome; Clinical Trials; Vitamin B Complex; Riboflavin; Niacin; Vitamin B 6; Vasodilator Agents; Diagnosis; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

James V. Durlacher, B.A., D.C., D.I.B.A.K.

Abstract: Objective: To present a case report using the injury recall technique (IRT) to help a patient with a smoking problem.

Clinical Features: AK uses several examination and treatment methods to discover whether or not irritating emotional factors are affecting the patient’s health and nervous system. The psychological work of Diamond, Callahan, and others are discussed in this paper. The use of injury recall technique presents another method of treating emotional problems.

Intervention and Outcome: The author used the IRT to help a patient with a physical problem. The patient asked the author if he could help her stop smoking. He employed a method of emotional diagnosis whereby the patient was asked to think about smoking and a strong muscle weakened. Then he asked the patient to TL the beginning and ending points of each meridian until he found one that facilitated the muscle. While touching the beginning and ending point that abolished the weakening of the muscle while thinking of smoking, the doctor performed IRT. After this procedure she released her desire to smoke. This approach only gave a temporary period of not smoking.

Conclusion: The author finds that the IRT procedure is just as successful as the tapping procedure and takes less time. Interplay between the sides of the triad of health – physical, chemical, and mental – may perpetuate an obvious health problem while leaving the basic cause undiscovered. The treatment of mental and emotional factors can be crucial in some patients for the restoration of their health. Further studies are warranted. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:55-56)

Key Indexing Terms: Mental Health; Acupuncture Points; Diagnosis; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

David W. Leaf, D.C.

Abstract: Objective: To present a case series report where using a cold laser improved the function of patients with chronic pain problems.

Clinical Features: 1 male and 3 female patients presented (respectively): a Pott’s fracture; unsuccessful ACL reconstruction; RSD of the lower extremity; and severe hip socket degeneration. The patients were 53, 45, 58, and 48 years of age respectively. Detailed descriptions and photographs of these patient’s injured limbs are provided.

Intervention and Outcome: Each patient received standard AK protocols to the injuries found but there were still limitations in function. Each of these patients was then treated with laser therapy. During the laser application, the patients performed resisted proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation motions. All of the cases responded with rapidity and notable functional improvement

Conclusion: In chronic injuries the use of laser therapy, especially when added to normal AK therapy procedures, may be helpful in increasing patient outcomes and satisfaction. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:69-71)

Key Indexing Terms: Laser Therapy, Low-Level; Wounds and Injuries; Case Reports; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Jose Palomar Lever, M.D., D.I.B.A.K., Orthopedic Surgeon

Abstract: Objective: To present a case-series report using a method of visceral organ treatment.

Clinical Features: 150 random patients (40% male, 60% female) who sought treatment for various conditions and who showed weak muscles that did not respond to standard AK treatments or Injury Recall Technique methods.

Intervention and Outcome: A muscle found inhibited on testing that has a standard organ relationship in AK was retested after a positive VPP challenge. The VPP challenge involves the doctor applying direct pressure over the organ to be tested and then releasing the pressure; the doctor then finds the vectors causing the greatest amount of strengthening in the weak related muscle. The treatment for this positive VPP finding involved I.R.T. with the same direct pressure over the related organ at the same time, using the same vector of challenge. Nociception Blocking Technique, Set Point Technique, and I.R.T. to the NL reflexes of the organ can also be performed while the same direction of pressure on the related organ is maintained. 94% of all the weak muscles unsuccessfully treated by standard AK treatments or I.R.T. became strong following VPP with lasting results.

Conclusion: These procedures may help to determine the presence of organ involvement in muscle dysfunction. Further studies of this method using other methods of organic diagnosis simultaneously are called for. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:73-77)

Key Indexing Terms: Viscera; Pain; Statistics; Muscle Weakness; Case Reports; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Jose Palomar Lever, M.D., D.I.B.A.K., Orthopedic Surgeon

Abstract: Objective: The gait mechanism has received much attention in AK, and additional observations about this mechanism are offered in this paper.

Clinical Features: Organization of muscle groups in gait can be evaluated by AK gait testing. This paper correlates many other specific muscular relationships with specific joints and ligaments in the feet. A thorough review of the biomechanics of locomotion in the feet and the sensory and motor response to proprioception in the feet is given. 200 asymptomatic patients were tested for the involvement of ligaments of many different joints of the foot. The test consisted of spreading apart the ligament and then testing 40 different muscles to see if this inhibits or facilitates the muscle.

Intervention and Outcome: 21 joints and ligaments were tested in these 200 patients and the specific correlations between these joints and ligaments and the muscles they affected were listed. Generally, the calcaneal ligaments were found to affect pelvic and lower limb muscles, while talar ligaments were more involved with neck, upper thoracic and shoulder muscles.

Conclusion: Because of the importance of foot proprioception and the foot’s relationship to so many body problems from neurological disorganization to gait imbalances, fascial disturbances, and the inhibition of so many muscles when faulted, physical evaluation of patients should include more attention to the feet. Further correlative studies like this one are warranted. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:79-90)

Key Indexing Terms: Gait; Foot; Locomotion; Walking; Biomechanics; Muscle Weakness; Case Reports; Diagnosis; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

Paul T. Sprieser, D.C., D.I.B.A.K.

Abstract: Objective: To discuss the author’s experience of treating both children and adults with learning disabilities. The author reviews a paper he wrote in 1984 and 2006 on the subject, and then describes a case series report from the past 2 years treating this problem.

Clinical Features: 604 cases (152 males and 452 females) are reviewed and showed that when a positive GV27/CV24 TL or a cross TL pattern was found there was also found what the author calls the learning disability cranial fault. Positive TL with both index fingers in the center of the hard palate at the cruciate suture diagnoses this cranial fault. There was also found to be a weakness of the supraspinatus muscle in these cases (usually on one side only). When this situation was found on testing the author asked the patient if they were having any memory problems or depression, and “almost all” answered affirmatively. Many of these patients were also taking SSRI drugs.

Intervention and Outcome: Nutritional and drug testing were done against the supraspinatus weakness, against the positive TL to GV27 and CV24 and to the learning disability cranial fault. All the positive findings were negated by the amino acids L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan, precursors for the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These findings can also be negated by appropriate drug therapies such as SSRI and MAO inhibitors.

Conclusion: The learning disability cranial fault is correlated with neurotransmitter problems including dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These methods can be used to evaluate the correct treatment for depression and the response of patients to therapy. Larger clinical trials with greater controls and more specific evaluation methods for learning disabilities are required. (Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2006-2007;1:95-101)

Key Indexing Terms: Learning Disabilities; Adult Learning Disorders; Case Reports; Neurotransmitter Agents; Diagnosis; Treatment; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied

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