Autism Articles

Chiropractic Management of the Special Needs Child

Barnes T  Topics in Clinical Chiropractic  1997 Dec; 4(4):  9-18 ABSTRACT: Purpose:  A discussion of clinical considerations in the chiropractic management of children with special needs is offered.  Three conditions that contribute to special needs situations are...

Case Report: Autism and Chronic Otitis Media

Warner S, Warner T  Today’s Chiropractic 1999 May-Jun; 28(3): 82-85   ABSTRACT: Autistic children typically manifest prior to age 30 months. The syndrome is characterized by insistence on routines and rituals, speech and language disorder, extreme difficulty...

Homeopathic Secretin in autism: a clinical pilot study

Robinson TW  Br Homeopath J  2001 Apr;90(2):86-91   Barton House, Beaminster, Dorset, UK.   Autism is a condition characterised by impairments of social communication, social interaction and social imagination. The exact aetiology of autism is unknown but...